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King is the leader of and is the first of the blended human reptiles.King is part reptile, cyborg and part human. He is very muscular also.  The Reptosapien are a ruthless and an evil sort. Bent on the annihilation of all that have ever allied themselves with the most-high God. They want to destroy all who love God.


Dr. Eickvonstein then combines the DNA of the Reptosapien with the extraterrestrials from many different galaxies. The extraterrestrials are nomads that have no place of their own nor do they have their own anatomy. They are considered pseudo humans, as well. But Dr. Eickvonstein loves his creations. He is their god.


RED, (Reptosapien Extraterrestrial Dynasty) is formed by Dr. Eickvonstein and King to give the Reptosapien as sense of belonging and purpose. The Reptosapien have no beginning and culture to reference. They’re nomadic space travellers with no culture, home, or roots. King is part reptile, cyborg and part human. He is very muscular also.


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