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Oshun is the goddess deity, or orisha, of the Yoruba religion of West Africa. There are equivalent goddess figures in multiple cultures including as Oxum in Brazil and Ochun in Cuba. The origination story of the Oshun goddess is that she was one of 17 deities to be sent by the Supreme or lead god, Olodumare, to earth. Of the 17, she was the only female and the only of the deities who were able to begin to populate the earth.


At first, her male counterparts try to compete to achieve the task assigned by Olodumare, but when they see that only Oshun is able to fertilize and populate the earth, they begin to ask for her help. She responds by using her powers over water and love to fertilize and grow the earth's population and geography. Oshun is considered to be a goddess specifically of the river and is associated with the following characteristics:



  • Fertility: Oshun is believed to be the only goddess who could repopulate and regenerate the earth when it was failing. For Yoruba women who are struggling with their fertility, special prayers are offered to Oshun in hopes that her fertility will be given to them as well.
  • Love: Oshun is connected to the kind and mothering sense of love associated with the divine feminine.
  • Freshwater: Oshun is connected to all water on the earth, but she is particularly associated with fresh water from rivers.



Creation: Olodumare.
Birth Date: None.
First Appearance: Former Earth.
Special Skills: Water power to punish people when she's angry.
Latest Gig: Martial Arts trainer Wrestle Fest Armageddon. 2354 A.D.


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    Destroyer: Oshun is not only seen as a creative power of fertility but also as an angry and retributive goddess who will punish the earth or the inhabitants of the earth for wrongdoing. Oshun uses her power over water to punish people when she's angry.

    Orisha is deity in Yoruba-based religions, symbolizing divinity, femininity, fertility, beauty, and love. In Yoruba cosmology, Oshun is associated with destiny, divination, and the river goddess Osun. During the life of the mortal Osun, she served as queen consort to King Shango of Oyo.

    Following her posthumous deification, she was admitted to the Yoruba pantheon as an aspect and patron saint of the Osun River in Nigeria, which bears her name.

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