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The Work Around is an inspirational novel that offers some practical guidelines as a blueprint for Men to avoid a divorce. It is intended to be a reference material for men to use to know, “what not to do in an intimate relationship. So that he will be able to cultivate and to flourish in his marriage. “The Work Around also examines the extreme and harsh measures that a woman is potentially capable of when she doesn’t receive the love and attention that she desires and so deserves. “The Work Around also offers insight into and takes a close look at a real person’s experience with handling an extremely difficult challenge, such as a divorce. We all go through difficult seasons in life from time to time. “The Work Around is a self-help resource that can be used to illustrate to any one that as a season changes, the situation will change also in time.

The Work Around

  • Dee H

    Great Novel!

    Reviewed on May 4, 2020

    The Work Around holds you captive from the 1st chapter throughout the entire novel. The author does a phenomenal job at engaging his audience and taking you on a ride through every emotion known to man. I often felt like I was actually present in his experiences....I've never read a book that captured me in this way; and made me feel so empathetic to the characters' plight and been made to cry, laugh, self reflect all in one chapter..This is best seller material and would really make a great stage play!

    Monique Hyler

    "The Work Around will not disappoint"

    Reviewed on August 17, 2018

    The Work Around is a powerful novel of suspense which I enjoyed.. it has me anticipating the sequel and more to come from the author .. very interesting and suspenseful as well as being a very enlightening and inspirational the book made me want to cry as well as laugh because even though it was written about a serious matter it also has a light humor of certain situations that occurred.. did not disappoint waiting patiently on the next book from LeMay.

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