Be influential. Be impacting.
Publish your book.
Children's Books Publishing Packages
Editing up to 30 pages, Formatting,
Uploading of manuscript into Amazon/Kindle platform.
2 Week Turnaround.

Standard Book Publishing Package
Editing up to 150 pages, Formatting, Uploading of manuscript into
Amazon/Kindle platform.
1 month turnaround.

Deluxe Book Publishing Package
Editing – up to 350 pages, Formatting, Uploading of manuscript into Amazon/Kindle platform, Author Head Shots, Website (4) pages.
3 - 4 month turnaround.

Premium Book
Publishing Package
Editing – up to 450 pages, Formatting, Uploading of manuscript into Amazon/Kindle platform. Author Head Shot, Social Media Marketing of the book, Website (4) pages, Promotional published article about the book.
3 - 4 month turnaround.

Service Expectations Obligations:
LeMay Imagery will provide proofs of uploaded manuscript, for printing to author.
LeMay Imagery will provide a choice of three book cover design templates, (Kindle templates).
All packages include editing and formatting. Full color covers, and interiors.
All packages include full color covers and interiors.
Custom Book covers available for, $250.00.
Manuscript LeMay Imagery will provide proofs of uploaded manuscript, for printing to author.
LeMay Imagery will provide proofs of uploaded manuscript, for printing to author.
LeMay Imagery will publish book to Amazon Kindle platform, only and upon approval of previews by author and LeMay Imagery Publishing.
LeMay Imagery will present the Amazon Kindle bookshelf console credentials, to author, upon acceptance of published works, after payment for services rendered.
LeMay Imagery Publishing will instruct and offer guidance to the author, in the use of the Kindle Bookshelf console.
Manuscript submissions must be in a typed format.
Initial consultations are free.
%50 deposit required, to commence orders.
Additional Publishing Services:
Audio Books
Book Signings
Content Editing
Editorial Reviews
Mag's and Journals
Manuscript Reviews
Pod Casts
Proxy Writing
Master Classes
Meet The Author Events
Self Publishing Resources
Speaking Engagements
Short Stories
Story Telling
Writing Coaching